Purple Yam Barley Porridge


  • 3 tablespoons pearl barley
  • 3 tablespoons pot barley
  • 3 tablespoons buckwheat
  • 3 tablespoons glutinous rice
  • 3 tablespoons black glutinous rice
  • 3 tablespoons black eye beans
  • 3 tablespoons red beans
  • 3 tablespoons romano beans
  • 3 tablespoons brown rice
  • 1 purple yam
  • 1/6 teaspoon baking soda
  • Clean the purple yam, remove the skin and cut into 1 centimetre cubes.
  • Wash the barley, rice and beans in the inner pot of Instant Pot.
  • Place the purple yam and baking soda (if using) into the pot.
  • Add water up to the 8 cup mark on the inner pot.
  • Close the lid and put the steam release to the Sealing position. Select the [Porridge] program and keep pressing until the “More” setting is selected.
  • After the program finishes, let it cool for 10 minutes. Don’t try to release the pres-sure as the starchy porridge will spill out.
  • Serve plain or with sugar, honey or blue agave syrup.
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