Omni - Roasted Rainbow Carrots with Tahini Sauce By: Instant Pot Culinary Team Cuisine Modern Course Appetizer, Side Dish Difficulty Easy Duration 15-30 min Diet Gluten Free, Grain- Free, Nut-Free, Soy-Free, Vegan, Vegetarian Cooking Technique Omni, Omni Plus, Roast Keywords 15-30 min, 6-8 servings, appetizer, carrots, cook 15 min, coriander seeds, cumin seed, easy, extra-virgin olive oil, fresh lemon juice, freshly ground black pepper, garlic clove, gluten free, grain- free, instant omni, instant omni recipes, Instant Pot Culinary Team, maple syrup, modern, nut-free, olive oil, omni, omni plus, pomegranates, prep 10 min, rainbow carrots, roast, sea salt, side dish, soy-free, sumac, tahini, vegan, vegetarian Prep Time 10 min Cook Time 15 min Servings 6-8 servings Ingredients 2 pounds rainbow carrots1 tbsp olive oil1/2 tsp sea salt1/2 tsp cumin seed1/2 tsp coriander seeds1/4 tsp freshly ground black pepper2 tbsp tahini1 garlic clove1/2 tsp maple syrup1/4 tsp sea salt2 tbsp fresh lemon juice1 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil1/4 cup pomegranates1 tsp sumac Instructions In a small bowl, whisk together olive oil, salt, cumin seed, coriander seeds, and black pepper in a bowl until thoroughly combined.Toss the carrots and the oil mixture together in a large bowl until evenly coated.Place the carrots on the prepared baking sheet on the baking tray.Press Select Roast on the Omni, then set the temperature to 425°F and set time to 15 minutes. Press START.Once the Omni is preheated, insert the cooking pan on the Roast/Bake Level into the Omni.Meanwhile, whisk together the tahini, lemon juice, olive oil, minced garlic, maple syrup and salt in a small bowl.After the cooking cycle is finished, remove the baking tray.Plate the carrots and drizzle the sauce on top.Garnish with pomegranates and sprinkle some sumac on top if you desire. Serve any leftover sauce on the side. Previous Next