Homemade Yogurt with Natural Strawberries and No Sugar


  • 1 cup sugar-free Greek yogurt
  • 1 L whole cow's milk
  • 6 tbsp whole powdered milk
  • 1 cup strawberries
  • 2 tbsp honey
  • In the Instant Pot bowl, mix liquid milk with powdered milk; once dissolved, add yogurt. Mix until dissolved.
  • Close and lock the lid, following the instructions from step 2. Press Yogurt twice and set the time to 8 Hours.
  • Once the time is up, mix, transfer to a refractory pan with a lid and refrigerate overnight.
  • For the jam, place the strawberries in a hot pot and mash them with a potato masher. Add honey and let cool.
  • Mix jam with yogurt and keep refrigerated.
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