Sometimes hosting a gathering can feel a little overwhelming, as you try to navigate everyone’s dietary needs and cook up something delicious. We’re here to help!
These rice paper parcels are an easy gluten free alternative to spring rolls or dumplings, and we have filling options to suit every guest. Our recipe uses a simple veggie base, to which you can add pulled chicken or chili mushrooms for the veggies/vegans in the family. The double draw instant vortex makes cooking for a family with diverse food needs a breeze as we can keep the meat option completely separate. Double up on the quantity of chicken or mushrooms if you simply want to make one flavor. You can also substitute the veggies for a stir fry mix, however make sure to add the garlic and ginger (for flavor) and corn flour, or your parcels may go soggy.
You can roll the parcels like a spring roll, or make them a bit larger for a fantastic starter. Serve them alongside your favorite dipping sauce.