Instant Brands partnered with NatureSweet to create delicious recipes! Try out this easy and quick appetizer using NatureSweet's Twilight tomatoes for your next gathering!
Place the steam rack in the Instant Pot. Add the Twilight tomatoes, red grapes, pecans, minced shallot, rosemary, olive oil, salt, and water. The ingredients will fall below and above the steam rack.
Unwrap the camembert and place back into the wooden container. Add on top of the steam rack in the Instant Pot.
Cook on Low for 2 minutes. Allow the Instant Pot to naturally release for 3 minutes before flipping the valve and releasing the remaining pressure.
Carefully remove the cooked camembert and set to the side. Using heat-protected gloves, remove the steam rack from the Instant Pot. Gently smash the remaining sauce to desired consistency.
Plate the tomato sauce around the camembert on a serving dish. Sprinkle with freshly ground black pepper and serve with crackers or chips.