These fiery edamame are great as a starter before dinner. But they’re also wonderful as a side dish to burgers, chops, or just about anything off the grill.
Look for edamame (that is, soy beans) in their pods, not shelled. If you don’t know, you eat them by putting a pod in your mouth, then zipping the seeds out of the pod: Close your teeth so one end of the pod sticks out; then pull the pod through your teeth, releasing the seeds into your mouth. The seasoning on the pod also comes off to flavor the seeds.
One admission: In the restaurant, the cooked edamame are coated with furikake (a sesame-seed-based spice blend). It can be hard to track down in North America, which is why we opted for crunchy salt at the end. But if you’re looking for a more complex flavor, want to nix the salt, and get much closer to the original, do a little online research for bottlings of furikake.