Instant Pod - Coffee Jelly


  • 1 espresso pod
  • 2 tbsp granulated sugar
  • 2 tsp gelatin powder
  • Touch the Power key of the Instant Pod coffee maker. 
  • Open the top cover of the Instant Pod coffee maker. Insert an espresso pod. Close the top cover. 
  • Place the sugar and gelatin powder into a mug and place your mug beneath the brew spout on the drip tray plate. 
  • Select the 6oz option from the espresso section. 
  • When the water stops dripping, give it a stir to dissolve the sugar and gelatin powder.
  • Pour the coffee mixture into a chilled square mold or any shapes you prefer. Make sure to remove any surface foam or bubbles. Let it sit to cool and then chill the jelly in the fridge, so it firms up. 
  • When the jelly is firm, cut it into cubes or any shapes that you prefer. To remove easily, warm the bottom of the container with hot water.
  • There are 2 ways of using this coffee jelly: 
  • If you are using to drink as coffee fill a glass with jelly. Place the jelly into individual cups and pour the coffee. (It is a great combination with Vietnamese coffee. We have a great recipe so check it out.)
  • If you are using for a dessert, place it into a bowl and then spoon the coffee jelly into individual cups. Pour a little of the whipping cream over the jelly or top with a dollop of whipped cream. Sprinkle a little cocoa powder and chocolate shavings on top if desired.
  • Now, it's ready to serve!
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