Glazed Ham


  • 2 lb (1 kg) pieces of cured ham
  • ½ cup light brown/brown sugar
  • ¼ cup fresh orange juice
  • ½ tsp cinnamon powder
  • 1 tbsp soy sauce
  • Clove
  • Make small, deep ¼-in (0.5-cm) diamond cuts on the ham.
  • Insert a clove in every cross-cut. Then, place the ham on an oven-safe pan.
  • Prepare the sauce in a frying pan over low heat. Add the sugar and orange juice in and wait for the sugar to dissolve. Then add the cinnamon and soy sauce, stirring until it thickens slightly (approx. 8 Minutes). Remove pan from heat.
  • Baste the ham with the sauce until completely coated. Set some sauce aside.
  • On the Instant Vortex control panel, press Bake, then set time to 25 Minutes and temperature to 355ºF (180°C). Press Start.
  • 6. Once Add Food appears on the display, add the tray with the ham. Every 10 Minutes, pour a little sauce on top and continue cooking.
  • Once ready, place the ham on a tray, cut into approx. ¾ in (2 cm) slices, and baste with more sauce, to taste. It is super delicious with a Christmas salad and Arabic rice.
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