Easy Homemade Profiterole


  • 1 oz ( roll 8 ) puff pastry
  • 7 oz whipped cream
  • 1 cup chocolate syrup
  • 2 oz Amond Tranches
  • 1 spray oil
  • Thaw puff pastry according to the instructions on the package.
  • Lay the parchment paper on a tray and set it aside.
  • Place parchment paper on a large cutting board and lay puff pastry on the paper.
  • Use a round cookie cutter or a glass to cut 15 circles with a 2" diameter for the first batch.Repeat the same steps below for the second batch to use all the puff pastry.
  • Place each circle on the tray with parchment paper.
  • Select Bake set the temperature to 355 °F and the timer to 15 Minutes. Press Start.
  • At the end of the cooking cycle, carefully take puff pastry circles out on a rack to cool down.
  • When they have cooled, cut in half.
  • Place the bottom piece of the puff pastry on a plate. Pipe a generous amount of whipped cream on top.
  • Place the top pastry piece gently on top of the whipped cream.
  • Pour chocolate syrup on top.
  • Garnish with almond tranches.
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