

  • ½ cup (100 g) all-purpose flour
  • 1 cup (250 ml) water
  • 15 tbsp (200 g) margarine
  • ¼ cup sugar
  • ⅛ tsp salt
  • 2 eggs
  • ½ cup white sugar
  • dulce de leche caramel or chocolate, optional
  • Put the water, margarine, sugar, and salt into a saucepan at low heat. Stir until it comes to a rolling boil, then remove from heat.
  • Mix in the flour, little by little, and place the saucepan over low heat while continuing to stir for about 5 minutes. Remove the saucepan from the heat.
  • Crack the eggs one by one into mixture, beating well after each one. Let the dough rest for at least 1 hour.
  • On the Instant Vortex control panel, press Roast, set time to 10 Minutes and temperature to 345°F (175°C). Press Start.
  • Meanwhile, place the dough in a piping bag fitted with a star-shaped piping nozzle.
  • Place the churros on parchment paper and place them inside the basket.
  • Remove the churros very carefully, then, while still hot, sprinkle with white sugar.
  • Serve the churros. If you wish you can fill them with dulce de leche caramel or top them with chocolate.
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