Jill Nussinow, widely known as "The Veggie Queen," is a plant-based cooking expert with over 30 years of experience as a culinary educator, registered dietitian, and author. Specializing in vegan and gluten-free meals, she is particularly known for her mastery of pressure cooking, both stovetop and electric. Jill has authored several award-winning cookbooks, including Vegan Under Pressure and The Veggie Queen. She has spoken at numerous conferences and festivals across the U.S., and her work emphasizes making plant-based eating easy, approachable, and delicious. Jill also consults, develops recipes, and provides cooking demonstrations to promote healthy, vegetable-focused cuisine. As a speaker and writer, Jill brings a wealth of knowledge to both professional and general audiences, sharing practical insights into nutrition and cooking. Over the years, she has worked on projects ranging from revamping cafeteria menus to training healthcare professionals on plant-based eating. With a mission to inspire others to include more vegetables and plant foods in their diets, Jill blends her love of food with a focus on sustainability and health.